Friday, August 6, 2010

Who is Ivan Padilla?

I admit, I haven't been keeping up with the news. Partly due to the fact that I don't see the importance of some of the things that I've been able to catch. Like a certain hosts hairstyle. I mean seriously, who chooses these topics? Don't we have better things to talk about? Like the state of our country and where is that ex-President of ours who decided to hide after she stole all our money. Those are important, I couldn't care less about the hair.

But that's not what this specific blog is about. My first blog and right away I speak of death. Sad. Not exactly what I thought I would be writing about. But it's an important topic for me. I'm a pescitarian, someone who choses to eat just fish and vegetables. My reason for this is cause I don't support the way the animals are slaughtered. I know, fish are animals too but I have a protein problem so this was my compromise. Please try to stop yourself from making me feel bad about it.

Anyway, as I was saying. Who is Ivan Padilla? The little information I have on him is that he is part of a carnapping syndicate in our country. A very notorious one at that. He came from a broken family. He had problems. He was into drugs. He was a son, a brother, a partner and a father. Those are just some of the things I gathered when I search for information about him.

But the other day he was apparently killed in a shoot out. It's not uncommon to hear about shoot outs in our country. It's like everyone is trigger happy. A lot of views have been aired about this certain shoot out. A lot of people say that he got what he deserved. He was an evil man and at least that lessens the evil people in our society. We are safer. I believe otherwise. Let me explain.

I am a firm believer that we were all put on this earth equal. That means NO ONE has any right over another. We make choices, we make mistakes, we choose paths. But NO ONE has the right to dictate whether or not someone deserves to die. I do not agree with Ivan Padilla's choice of lifestyle. He was wrong, he deserved to be punished, put away for life maybe. But he did not deserve to die the way he did. There are speculations that he actually died because the police failed to bring him to the hospital right away and that means he was probably in agony before he died. Another thing I believe he did not deserve. He was a person too, therefor he deserved to be treated like one.

I know his victims might feel otherwise. He did put them through a horrible ordeal I would not wish on anyone. But I have faith that they too think this way too harsh a way to die.

But that's just my point of view...

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