Saturday, August 14, 2010

Three Day Weekends...

Recently it was announced that the President has decided to take back the proclamation of Aug 23 as a holiday. That irked me. I mean really...

I am a worker, I sadly don't own my own company. I got to work 5 times a week at least for 9 hours at least. Now don't take it the wrong way, I like my job. But it's tiring and well, a three day weekend was one of those bonus days that you look forward to. I was already planning my trip! So the disappointment was obvious. Thank you Mr. President for taking away that silver lining from me.

When I thought more about it, I figured why was I so mad. There really was no reason to declare it a non-working holiday. The real holiday was on the 21st really. But the thing is. He already did declare it. He already made the statement then he took it back. It's like being a told as a child that you could get your favorite toy then taking it back again because I just felt like it. That was seriously stupid. Don't say something then take it back again. That's just wrong. It would have been perfectly fine if you just kept your mouth shut and not get everyone so excited.

I respect the fact that he thought about it and realized that it was a waste of a work day. If I owned a company I would be grateful. But next time...just don't say anything if you have nothing good to say.

But that's just my point of view...

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