Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Guns and losing loved ones...

I grew up around guns. My dad loves them. I learned to shoot an air rifle when I was a child, probably no older than 4 years old. It was fun. I got to shoot at a target at cans, bottles, anything that we could pick up in our backyard. Then I learned how to shoot an actual hand gun, part of my dad's plan to make sure I can defend myself when there is a need to. I have never had to, thank God. :)

Being prepared is one thing. Being a bully is another. I really honestly hate it when people think just because you have a gun means you're hard ass. Nope, on the contrary most of the time it means you're a coward and that you hide behind guns. Guns aren't toys and letting people who are not emotionally and psychologically handle one is just asking for trouble.

When I was a preschool teacher it was a rule that my students were not allowed to bring toy guns into the classroom. They weren't allowed to play shooting games with their hands either. I wanted them to understand that these are not games. Shooting someone, it's not a joke and it should never be done for fun.

Recently, a good friend of mine lost her fiance to a shooting incident. It was a useless death which left so much pain and suffering. I only wish them strength in their suffering and justice for the loved one they lost.

When I first learned of the news of his death I was stunned. I literally sat there waiting for the news to sink in, praying against anything that it wasn't true. I was shocked. In pain for my friend, heart broken. It was like I was going through the same thing although I know for sure it was nothing compared to what she was going through. I saw her yesterday and her resilience made me love her more. She is the bravest person I know and I am not as worried anymore because I see her and I can see that she is loved and she will never be alone.

Losing someone that way, no matter how strong you are, it takes a toll on you. Losing someone is hard enough. Losing the one you love to something so useless...that is unforgivable.

I hope whoever it was that did it, I hope he suffers. I hope he never gets another night of sleep. I hope that every time he closes his eyes he sees what he has done, who he has hurt, who he has made suffer. I hope that he realize what he did and come clean. I hope he pays for every tear he has made them shed.

But that's just my point of view...

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